you are the…
Woot woot! You are an intuitive eater (living the dream!) 🤩
You are able to eat with confidence, honour your body’s needs and trust it to tell you when, what and how much to eat. This is something you are naturally born with the ability to do and is rare to come by nowadays with diet culture being so pervasive.
Being an intuitive eater, you likely find joy in various aspects of your life, you feel like you can confidently go out and socialise with friends without worrying about what you will eat or if you are worthy of it. Food and body concerns don’t take up much mind space and you feel at peace. Your body cues help inform your food choices and you trust your body to tell when hungry, full & satisfied
Keep doing what you’re doing!💃🏻
P.S. Don’t forget to check your email (and spam!) for some personalised tips and resources.
In health & alignment,