You are the…


Ou, SQUIRREL! You are a heads-in-the-clouds eater! 💭

You likely find yourself eating when you are distracted or doing a million things at once and feel like there is just NO time to eat, or maybe eating is hella boring so you gotta keep things interesting whilst you do the deed.

Netflix and chill is a viiiibe but then you suddenly realise - Ugh! how in the world did this bag of crisps just end?!

Perhaps you find yourself sitting in front of the computer working whilst eating your lunch, or in front of Netflix without realising you even had the bar of chocolate … what did it even taste like?

Often when we eat when we are distracted we are externally focused and highly disconnected from our body. When this happens it naturally becomes difficult to tell if we are still hungry, full and we run the risk of overeating.

Studies show eating whilst distracted can significantly increase the amount a person consumes in a day. The brain in ALL it's glory, is unfortunately unable to multi-task in this way. So multi-tasking like a Queen might actually just end up to you eating more than you need.

P.S. Don’t forget to check your email (and spam!) for your personalised tips + resources!

In health & alignment,