You are the…
avoidant eater
Okay let’s be honest, emotions can be uncomfortable! 😫
Especially if we were made to feel like we couldn’t express ourselves when we were younger, we had to be ‘grown up’ children, or were made to feel inferior if ever we dare shed a tear! As if it was a sign of weakness.
As a result, eating can be used to numb your emotions because ew! Who wants to feel those?!
You might not understand why you tend to overeat, however, subconsciously what might be happening is that the discomfort of overeating masks any other emotion so it makes it so you can’t feel anything else. It’s like “let me feel ANYTHING other than whatever emotion is arising!!! God forbid I sat with an emotion other than joy...”
In other words, there might be a felt void in your life and stuffing it down with food has been the best way you know how to cope thus far. It’s a way to feel more whole temporarily.
The thing is, you very well know the relief is only temporary and emotions are a normal part of the human experience so they will arise.
P.S. Don’t forget to check your email (and spam!) for your personalised tips + resources!
In health & alignment,